Weight Goals

Today everyone says we shouldn’t judge people based on their weight. When you watch t.v, or read a magazine, the most covered topic is primarily on weight. “Everyone should be happy the way they are built.” but in society now, is this realistic? Can people truly be happy with their weight? When I got on the internet, the first thing that popped up on my home page was a link to “Get fit” with a picture of a girl from the side in workout gear and in a crouching position. Immediately I look at how thin she is, wishing I could be that thin. However, is she really that thin? The girl was positioned in a way that her stomach was outstretched so she didn’t have any body fat. The photo could have also been tampered with to help give you the impression that buying their sportswear motivates you to workout and get a better body. Pictures like these make you think about your schedule on a day to day basis and ask yourself what are you doing differently then the person in that picture. When you log on to sites like Facebook, advertisements pop up on the side for “fit wear” or “healthy eating” making you evaluate the choices you make on a day to day basis. We try not to be judgmental people and say it is ok to be happy with your weight and your size but every day we judge others if they aren’t the “perfect” weight. We need to ask ourselves what is the perfect weight? If someone is having health issues because of their weight, it would be best for them to try to lose weight. If someone is underweight, they should try their best to gain some. Other than that, if people are happy with their weight, who are we to judge.

Haley Wright

One thought on “Weight Goals

  1. I personally have no problem judging people, or being judged myself. When i judge based on weight or appearance its not really as if i am saying “hey fatty stop eating,” its more me asking myself whether i would be able to wake up every day with that person next to me and say “i love you.” i am not saying that being fat means i cannot like you. but weight plays a large factor in someones appearance. this being said, the heavier set girl that sits in the front of class, i find very attractive 😉 you cute;)

    D. Hopster


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