Do you procrastinate?

Everyone procrastinates whether its with school, our jobs, or even going to the doctors. Students tend to procrastinate when it comes to school work, constantly finding more interesting things to do around the house or dorm or sit down and watch Netflix. Do we procrastinate on purpose or accident though? When I know I have a big test coming up, I try to make a schedule of when and what I need to study. However, just because I have a schedule for myself doesn’t mean I will follow through.

Procrastinating isn’t always a bad thing. Sometimes we need to just take a load off and focus on other things for awhile. When it comes to going to the doctors, procrastinating shouldn’t be on the top of your list.

Even the thought of the doctors generally makes people cringe! “I feel fine!” is our common response to when something goes wrong with our bodies. We shouldn’t procrastinate when it comes to going to the doctors. Doctors are here to help us prevent getting sick. If there happens to be something seriously wrong, the illness or disease could spread only making it worse for ourselves. Normally we only go to the doctors when there is a serious injury or our parents make us. As we grow up, that responsibility passes onto ourselves. As I was growing up, I would always refuse going to the doctors office. My mom would have to trick me into getting in the car and driving those 30 minutes to get to the doctors office. Now I know my health is on me. If I get sick, I know I should go get checked out to make sure I don’t have anything serious. Doctors aren’t here to make us any more sick then we are or we think we are.

We shouldn’t procrastinate when it comes to going to the doctors incase something is seriously wrong with us. The doctors are here to help, not hurt. Putting off going to the doctor would only be hurting yourself.

Haley Wright

5 thoughts on “Do you procrastinate?

  1. I think your post is interesting in that it really reflects the perspective the majority of people have concerning healthcare professionals and going to see them when we feel something isn’t right. Sometimes individuals don’t think they are really sick enough to go into the emergency room, while others may have not had very great experiences with their past physicians and refuse to go into the hospital, even though the are having a health related emergency. Procrastination due to this certain view of hospitals or healthcare professionals can make an individual’s health worse or even fatal. Many hospitals and healthcare organizations are putting forth a continuous effort of making care seem more approachable and trying to communicate to patients the importance of seeing a physician when they believe something is wrong.


  2. I agree. Last Christmas break I had the flu but I procrastinated going to the doctor for 5 days. When I finally went to the doctors the doctor said that giving me medication would essentially be worthless since I had the flu for so long already.
    -Spencer Clark


  3. I agree with your post so much! This is not true in all cases, but there are a lot of times when the prognosis for someone with cancer changes dramatically depending on when they go to the doctor about their symptoms.


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