Lawn Care

My parents have always taken pride in out yard. I live on a corner lot so everyone can see almost every section of our yard whether they are walking or driving past. My parents knew this when they bought our house so they have put so much effort into making our yard and lawn look nice. They knew they wanted a big backyard for my sister and I to play in when we were growing up and for our dogs to run around in. My sister, Lauren, and I every year would get flowers and plant them in our dedicated spot. As we grew up, advances were made to the landscaping. They hired a landscaper to improve the looks of our yard from the street view.

Even in the olden days, landscaping and big yards were normally associated with royalty. Larger yards were used to host extravagant parties. Landscaping was always trimmed up and freshly cut. Large horses or mazes were made out of shrubs and bushes. If you watch The Princess Diaries, Queen Clarisse had a large garden and yard with a stone fountain to host large parties. In The Sound of Music, they have a large yard with a lake in their backyard. Large lawns were a sign of money.

Now it can go both ways. People either want a large yard or a smaller yard. Normally if they want smaller yards, it’s because they don’t want the hassle of mowing or keeping up with it. Most of the time now people don’t keep up with their landscaping either. Buying plants to spruce up your landscaping and watering gets expensive. Mowing a large yard is time consuming and difficult work. Some people like having large yards so their children can play or they have room for their animals to run around. I prefer a large yard because for me taking care of plants is therapeutic. I want my children to have a large yard to play in. When I have family parties I want enough room for everyone to hang out in. It is all preference now.

Haley Wright


2 thoughts on “Lawn Care

  1. I can definitely relate to my parents always wanting the yard to look perfect. When i was little my parents would pay my brother, my sister and I to help pick up the leave or the balls from the sweet gum tree in our front yard. Sunday is usually the day my dad cuts the grass and if he doesn’t get to he gets in a bad mood. which doesn’t make sense?? But i guess that shows how important it is for him to show people that we care about our yard.
    I think it’s really crazy how people hire people to take care their yard. It just shows how much people judge off of the appearance of their yard. There are so many products out on the market to make your grass grow greener, your plants grow stronger, but is all of this worth it and good for the environment?
    – Gabby Hirlinger


  2. I can relate to you with this. My family always had the best lawn in the neighborhood and my neighbors would always try to out compete us. My dad is obsessed with his yard and won’t let anyone else mow it. I’ve always wanted a big yard, but I know some people who have big yards that want small ones. I think it’s interesting to see how people’s opinions about this change over time.
    Kristin Mathis


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