Final Post

I have always enjoyed learning about our world and the different ways people on Earth work/ communicate. This class has opened my eyes to the “Norms” of people. I’ve always had an idea about what this means, however since we really went into detail in this class, I feel like I have an even better understanding.

When we talked about the environment, I always though “Nature”. I also learned that your environment doesn’t necessarily mean nature but your surrounding area. I have always been very intrigued by nature, but even more so now. I do my best to inform others of ways to keep Earth happy and healthy. I find that when I take walks in the park, it is just so calming to be out in nature. I want to do everything I can to preserve that.

I have enjoyed this class and everything that has been taught. I feel I have not only furthered the information that I already knew, but also learned new things that are beneficial to my everyday life.

Haley Wright

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