Faith and Science

My mom was raised Catholic and my dad Methodist. When my sister and I were young, my mom would take us to church for Christmas and Easter, but we wouldn’t go on a weekly basis. As we grew older, my mom would encourage us to try to go more as a family. My dad has never been big on church, I was never big on church, but my mom and sister have always wanted to try to go more.

I have always been science geared like my dad. I didn’t quite understand the stories of the bible and didn’t care much to try to understand. I knew how people evolved and I knew of the big bang and that was enough for me. This past summer, I had faced some hardships that I didn’t think was possible to work through. I began going to church, praying, and attempting to read the bible. I talked to people about God to better my understanding. I worked through the difficulties that I thought was the worst thing that has ever happened to me. I thank God for helping me through it. I am still not very religious but I did find my faith.

I think for some people, it just takes something difficult to come up in their life to help find their faith. Others are raised in religious households. Some people are raised on certain beliefs and change and others pick up their faith.

It is a common misconception that people can’t have faith and still believe in science. In my case, I have found faith but am still science geared showing it is possible. However, some people don’t just believe in science or in religion.

Haley Wright

2 thoughts on “Faith and Science

  1. I think you are absolutely right, as a child I always went to church every week, and now as I am older, I still try to go as often as I can but it is not every week like in the past. With this being said, I am also a science major so I can’t deny the facts. I maintain my faith while also believing in science. Some people might think it is impossible, but if you just have an open mind it is possible, and also may take a hardship like you said.

    Jane Gripshover


  2. I can totally relate to living in a household where religion was somewhat important. My family and I went to church (mostly against my siblings and I’s will) but we went and I thought that was good enough. We never, as a family, discussed what we believed and didn’t believe. That’s what religion class at school was for. But as I am growing older I now can see so many other views and beliefs about science and religion that were hidden from us as children. Jane is correct in saying you cannot hide from the facts of science which makes the beliefs of religion hard to actually believe. Faith however is still very important to me, I don’t think I would be the same person without it.

    Gabby Hirlinger


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